Journey Restarted: Part Three

I don’t know where I stand with the weight loss surgery today.

Yesterday I went down to Flower Mound for the EDG (I would put what it’s actually called, but I can’t spell it) – basically, they put a camera down my throat with a little light to check things out. It wasn’t a long test. I figured I would go down there, they do their thing, && then they like the results and I move forward.

But welcome to my life.

They found a polyp.

Which of course I googled that. You’d think after google has said I have died at least ten times I’d stop googling things. But I’m that person that needs to know what’s happening. Otherwise I panic. && when I panic I’m no longer me. So I google “stomach polyp”.

Most polyps are benign, meaning they’re noncancerous. But because they are due to abnormal cell growth, they can eventually become malignant, or cancerous.

Otherwise, everything was fine. Well, except the food I ate Thursday night around 6PM was still in my stomach && according to the hospital staff, it’s because of my Trulicity shot. So basically, if I am cleared for the surgery, I’ll probably have to go on a liquid diet a week or two before the surgery because there can’t be any food in my stomach at the time of the surgery.

I just don’t know at the moment what’s happening. My next appointment is the 18th. I’m hoping I don’t have to wait that long to figure things out.

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